This was a six month project. The client wanted a graphic book that went along with the final album they wanted to release with images that represented each track on the album. I shot several concepts to create graphic layouts that best represented each track, some of which I had to build sets in my studio to get the desired look. Some of the tracks were not finished yet, so as they were sent over, I was able to focus on certain ones at a time. I also created a music video for the main track Eros, which I then incorporated still images from the music video into the final design and cover of the book. The dark industrial music of the client helped shape the overall look of the book.
[Eros Book]
[Eros Book]

The Last of :10: - Eros Album art work

Eros - Book Cover

/Not Your Life



/Painting Her

:10: / Eros
I wish to see it as a place of beauty
These lines of red carved within my skin as I lay beneath
its wonder
its wonder
Fluids sway about my flesh
Breaking free from my ribs and submerging my heart in tones
of black
of black
My eyes growing larger as my vision fades
Reds and blacks wading inward
It is not a place of beauty of which I thought
Falling further down, consumed within its walls of lies
As this darkness bleeds out of me, from within me
I now see its true intent
Of which to drown me in hurt
Of which to suffocate my lungs with concealed sharp spines
Behind the glass of illusion I weep
Wishing to awake from this false paradise
I am